Dosbarth 3
Children move from Dosbarth 2 to Dosbarth 3. The class consists of children from Year 5 and 6. Mr Jones is the class teacher.
Follow Dosbarth 3 by clicking on the icon.
On a daily basis, your child is expected to learn their times tables, spellings and read for at least 10 minutes. There will be a different spelling pattern/theme and times tables focus each week. Check out your child's Google Classroom page for regular up-to-date information.
Polite notice: Please fill out your child's Reading Record regularly so that we can monitor their reading and ensure they are progressing through the book stages appropriately. Diolch!
Polite notice: Please fill out your child's Reading Record regularly so that we can monitor their reading and ensure they are progressing through the book stages appropriately. Diolch!
Please see our Spring Term Topic Web below:
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