We thought about happiness today and how we can be 'Happy together'. Click on the image below to visit the website for more resources.
Healthy Schools
We work closely with the Welsh Network of Healthy Schools Scheme to ensure our children are encouraged to make healthy life choices. We are working hard to achieve our Healthy Schools Award. Please click on these images to find out more about our healthy choices in school.
Eat Them to Defeat Them!
We are participating in the 'Eat Them to Defeat Them' scheme which has been advertised on ITV. It encourages children to eat more vegetables. Click on the picture below to find out more. This scheme will be running for 5 weeks after half term. Your child will automatically involved if they are having school meals and all children will be learning about this as part of class activities.
Healthy Screen Time
For many of us today, devices with screens are everywhere we look. They help us access our jobs or places of education to collaborate. They allow us to consume movies, music, TV, radio and other entertainment round the clock. And they also keep us in touch instantly from anywhere in the world via video, audio and written words using powerful social media tools. Concern about the time children and young people in particular spend using screens has inevitably increased. Questions are being asked around screen time’s influence on being able to get a good night’s sleep, making time to eat properly, being physically active, and getting to school on time – all important factors in maintaining health and well-being. This guide examines both the positive and negative sides of screen time and explores how to use modern technology in a balanced healthy way. Click on the picture to visit the website page and look at the guide in more detail.
Screen Free Week is running from 6-10th May. Here are some ideas to support your family.
Healthy Body Image
The research shows that body image is closely connected to our sense of self, our wellbeing, and our mental health. We know that body image matters. The challenge for parents is often knowing what we can do to help our kids develop and maintain a healthy body image. Click on the image below to read the guide to support parents with encouraging our older primary pupils and teenagers to develop a good body image.
Are you getting enough sleep?
Having enough sleep is crucial for good health, good quality of life and performing well throughout the day. As a guideline, children between 9 and 11 are recommended to have 9.5-10 hours sleep per night.
Are you getting enough exercise?
Children and young people need to do 2 types of physical activity each week:
aerobic exercise
exercises to strengthen their muscles and bones
Children and young people aged 5 to 18 should:
aim for an average of at least 60 minutes of moderate or vigorous intensity physical activity a day across the week
take part in a variety of types and intensities of physical activity across the week to develop movement skills, muscles and bones
reduce the time spent sitting or lying down and break up long periods of not moving with some activity. Aim to spread activity throughout the day
Click on the picture below to visit the NHS website to learn more
A fantastic way to get more exercise is to walk to school every day. We will be promoting this in walk to school week 20-24th May 2024
keeping safe in the sun
The United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)
We have worked hard as a school council to decide which are the most important rights for us here at Deri Primary School. Here are our top ten rights. Deri Primary School’s Top 10 UNCRC
You have the right to grow up to be healthy
Your right to good food and water and see a doctor if you are ill
You should be protected from dangerous drugs
Nobody should touch me and make me feel uncomfortable, unsafe or sad
You should not be harmed and should be kept safe
Your right to relax and play
Your right to have privacy
Your right to be with your parents if this is what’s best for you
The right to extra money if your family hasn’t got enough to live on
Your right to a good standard of living
We decide to publicise these b designing posters and choosing children's characters from fiction who might not have had all the rights we have in our lives. Here are the winning entries.
Our Junior Forum representatives contributed to an information video for Caerphilly Primary Schools about the United Nations Conventions on the Rights of The Child. We are particularly proud of them as they completed this at home during a class isolation. Click on the picture to watch the video. Our representatives talk about article 4.
Operation Encompass
We are an operation encompass school.
MEIC and Childline
As everybody starts to get used to the new ways of working in these very different times, we wanted to inform you of the Meic helpline service for the children and young people of Wales. Time will tell how much of an impact Covid-19 has had on the health and wellbeing of the children and young people of Wales. It is important that young people are aware of the services that are there to support them, even more so during extreme times like these. The Meic Helpline is free, confidential and bilingual and can be contacted by phone (080880 23456), text (84001) or online chat (www.meic.cymru). Children and young people can talk to one of our trained advisers about any question or issue they may have, big or small. Our advisers will then work with that child or young person to find the help that they need.
Parenting - Give it Time
Click on the picture below to visit the website full of information and top tips for parenting support Helpline SupportFamily livesOffers a confidential and free helpline service for families in Wales on any aspect of parenting and family life. To speak to someone call 0808 800 2222 or visit Parenting and Family Support - Family Lives (Parentline Plus) to access the live chat. Parent Talk Cymru (Action for Children)Offers a free and confidential live chat with a parenting coach available in English and Welsh. Visit Parent Talk - Cymru - Support for Parents from Action For Children.
Anti-bullying at Deri Primary
Behaviour at Deri Primary School
Anti Smoking and Vaping Information
We have assemblies and activities in class as part of our heath and well being lessons around the dangers of smoking and vaping> If you think your child is smoking or vaping here is a useful link for parents
Please click on the image below which takes you to Caerphilly county Borough Council's webpage which is full of useful information to support with the cost of living crisis.