Dosbarth 2
Children move from Dosbarth 1 to Dosbarth 2. The class consists of children from Year 2, 3 and 4. Miss Tiley is the class teacher and is assisted by Miss Key the teaching assistant.
Classroom News
Meet the teacher letter to parents and carers.
Homework and Reminders
- Weekly spellings and times tables will be given out every Friday for the following weeks tests. Please practice these daily at home.
- Reading books to be brought in daily to be changed in school. Please read with your child 10 minutes daily and feedback to us using their reading records.
- PE will take place every Tuesday afternoon. Please leave PE kit in school at all times.
- Fruit can be provided as a snack for playtime and water to drink.
- Reading books to be brought in daily to be changed in school. Please read with your child 10 minutes daily and feedback to us using their reading records.
- PE will take place every Tuesday afternoon. Please leave PE kit in school at all times.
- Fruit can be provided as a snack for playtime and water to drink.