Home Learning
We have moved back to a situation where all the pupils are back in school. Even when teachers are not posting work online, it is important to keep the skills 'on the boil', especially reading. Your child should be reading for a minimum of 10 minutes every day and recording this in their home school reading records. The children will have a weekly spelling list to learn and older children will have weekly times tables tests which they need to spend time at home learning in order to improve their accuracy and fluency. Every Friday there will be a homework activity posted on Seesaw/Google Classroom which needs to be completed. You will also find the 'Fun Afternoon' and 'Snow Day' menu of activities. The links below will take you to some excellent sites and 'how to' guides. Click on the links to read our guidance to support learners, our Blended Learning Policy and Google Meet's Acceptable Use Policy. We will continue to use Google Classroom and Seesaw for homework.
Read Write Inc. Phonics Parents' Workshop
Please click on the picture below to watch the workshop recording to support your child with reading and spelling.